Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Ah, the sweet smell of a new start

At this point, I'm sure an apology is necessary. However, I will not apologize for being succesful.. Cause that's what I've been doing. I've made about 12 quilts, perfected me fillet mignone recipe AND I lost somewhere around 60 lbs. (<----Haha funniest joke I've ever cracked!) Nah, I am sorry. It wasn't tell Apollo High School kids bombarded me with requests for an update that I realized, yeah, I am a big deal. So this ones for you Apollo! What's new in my life? Not sure. Don't remember much these days. {I rely on my friends for da presh memory} I really wish I had some good news to share. So, for the sake of a good post, I'll make one up! I'M ENGAGED!

I know, I know I know. It's sudden and all. But I know he is the right one. He treats me like a princess. No really, he does. He got me a corset and and gold broach for the evening gown he purchased for me a few days prior. {Still trying to decide if the corset was a fat joke or not..Input?} But yeah. It's so good it might even be considered sonic good.

Tomorrow should be a better post but I think I will leave you with a little special something my mommy found of my mine under the stairs (Yes, I am the REAL Harry Potter}. So from me to you, I present the mind and heart of the 9 year old Ashlynn.

"Dear Landon and Hayden, ||Da Crushes||

I just really like you guys. I think you're soooooooo kute. Here is a poem I wrote for you.

D-o good

H-elpful all day
A-ssome too
Y-ou both are kute
D-o good
E-xisted a lot

Love Ashlynn

PS. Write back this time please."

Wishing more luck with your love life.
-The 9yr old Pimp.

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